Laser/Thread Lifting
  • [First Visit Event] Sun type (Ultra) 300 shotslimited to 1 session per person
  • Shurink Universe (Ultra) 100 shots
  • Shurink Universe (Ultra) 300 shots
  • Shurink Universe (Ultra) 300 shots+Fat DisSolution Injection 3cc
  • Shurink Universe (Ultra) 600 shots+Fat DisSolution Injection 3cc
  • Shurink Universe (Booster) 100 shots
  • Shurink Universe (Booster) 300 shots+Aurora Ampoule 5cc
  • Shurink Universe Ultra 300 shots+ Booster 300 shots+Aurora Ampoule 5cc
  • Shurink Universe I 100 shots
  • Shurink Universe Dermash 100 shots
  • [First Visit Event+Follow Kakao Channel] Inmode FX (1 session)limited to 1 session per person
  • Inmode FX (1 session)
  • Inmode FX (3 sessions)
  • Inmode FX (1 session)+ Fat DisSolution Injection 6cc
  • Inmode Forma (1 session)
  • Inmode Forma (3 sessions)
  • Inmode Full Face FX (1 session)
  • Inmode Full Face FX (3 sessions)
  • Inmode Full Face Forma (1 session)
  • Inmode Full Face Forma (3 sessions)
  • Inmode Full Face FX+Forma (1 session)
  • Inmode Full Face FX+Forma (3 sessions)
  • Inmode Full Face FX+Forma (1 session)+Fat DisSolution Injection 3cc
  • Body Inmode 2 palm-sized areas, choose 1 from front abdomen/love handles (sides + back)/arm fat/riding fat + fat under the buttocks/Chanel line (upper/side fat around the knees)/inner thigh fat
  • [Add] Delphic Fit Injection 3ccDelphic Fit Injection (Non-Steroid)
  • [Add] Delphic Accu Injection 3ccDelphic Accu Injection (Steroid Included)
  • Oligio 100 shots
  • Oligio 300 shots
  • Oligio 600 shots
  • Oligio for Eye 200 shots
  • Oligio for Eye 400 shots
  • DIA Lifting 500 shots (1 session)
  • DIA Lifting 500 shots (3 sessions)
  • Nose Thread Lifting (1 thread)Bridge of nose/tip of nose
  • Nose Thread Lifting (4 threads)full nose
  • Mint Thread Lifting (1 thread)
  • Mint Thread Lifting (4 threads)
  • Mint Thread Lifting (8 threads)
  • Mint package (4 mint threads+ Filler 1cc)Choose 1 from chin tip/side cheek/nasolabial folds
  • Mint package (8 mint threads+Filler 1cc)Choose 1 from chin tip/side cheek/nasolabial folds
  • Cavern thread lifting (1 thread)
  • Cavern thread lifting (4 threads)
  • [Add] Jamber Thread for Eye Area (4 threads)
  • Cavern package (Domestic product)
  • Cavern package (Swedish/USA product)
  • Cavern Eye Area Package (Domestic product)
  • Cavern Eye Area Package (Swedish/USA product)
Reservation & Consultation
10:30 - 21:00
10:30 - 17:00
On public holidays, we operate with the same hours as Saturdays.
TEL : 050-7873-0477Address : Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea urbanhive 2floor 476, Gangnam-daero
Business Registration Number : 3032552230Representative : Kim Hyun ji
© Delphic Clinic